Xuan Ye 2023 Solo Concert

After a three-year absence from the IRL stage, interdisciplinary artist Xuan Ye 叶轩 is presenting a solo concert of comprovisation, as their annual ritual in sonic somatic performance. Admission is free but registration is encouraged. Option to purchase vinyl with admission. Tickets available here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/xuan-ye-2023-solo-concert-tickets-626537088297 We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the […]

Cosmic Homeostasis

Cosmic Homeostasis is an artistic collective that gathers for the purpose of creating large-ensemble improvised drone-based music. Mixing performers with diverse musical backgrounds and experience levels, performances create space to develop improvisatory skills through listening while constructing unique sonic environments. This is not an “open jam”, but newcomers are always welcome: email Joe (mechanicalforestsound@gmail.com) for […]

The Ryan Driver Sextet

The Ryan Driver Sextet specializes in the psychedelification of popular American songs from the 1920’s through 1960’s. They have been engaging in this task monthly since 1999, when they started playing as a quartet at Graffiti’s in Kensington Market. The sextet plays only ballads, and almost always very slowly. That said, the interpretations are wildly […]

The Brodie West Quintet

A note from Brodie West: For my monthly at the Tranzac I will often schedule my quintet called The Brodie West Quintet which is Tania Gill piano, Josh Cole bass, Nick Fraser drums, Evan Cartwright drums and  myself. Sometimes the drummers are substituted up and in that case it’s usually Phil Melanson who is there […]