Seven Spirits Before the Hudson

On the first Saturday of every month join Evan Webber and other artists for an open rehearsal of a new play titled Corridor, or Seven Spirits Before the Hudson, or One of the Two (not sure). Most theatre is the end result of decisions about how to represent events. This theatre aims not to display […]

Toronto Lit Up: The Abduction of Seven Forgers by Sean Dixon

Join author and playwright Sean Dixon on October 4 at 6pm for the launch of his novel, The Abduction of Seven Forgers (Freehand Books) at the TRANZAC Club in the Annex. There will be live music and tarot card readings, as well as an artist drawing portraits! Food and drinks will be available. This is […]

Kitchen Party Poetry, hosted by Black Sails Publications

Black Sails is a zine publication group focused on showcasing emerging Toronto writers by giving them a platform to share and publish their work. Beginning as a front-yard reading series on Brunswick Avenue, Toronto, Black Sails has grown into hosting bi-monthly reading events and publishing monthly zines. Our Kitchen Party reading events are the heart […]