Little Window

Come join us for Little Window’s EP release show at the Living Room and fuzzed-out folk rock off their new EP ‘DEATH CLUB 2’ Sept 30th at the Tranzac, Southern Cross (292 Brunswick Ave, Toronto, ON) PWYC Show starts at 3pm (The gang will be around from 2pm-5pm)

Kyp Harness Band Poverty Line Show

Kyp Harness plays with Tania Gill, Nick Burson and Victor Bateman. Wherever the name of Kyp Harness appears, the term “Songwriter’s-songwriter” soon follows. While often used ambiguously, in Kyp’s case it’s very accurate: his most fervent fans are other songwriters from both the folk and alternative music circles. Daniel Lanois, Mary Margaret O’Hara, Ron Sexsmith, […]