Piers Oolvai’s Album Celebration Party featuring Naomi McCarroll-Butler

Piers Oolvai (he/him/they/them) is a queer effected bass clarinetist and electroacoustic composer of the post-progressive ambient, avant-garde neo-classical variety in Southern Ontario. They will be celebrating the release of their first full-length release ‘Solace Shards’ released this year, playing of the album’s soundscapes and instrumental songs… and maybe some surprise oddities! Naomi McCarroll-Butler (she/her) is […]

Cosmic Homeostasis

Cosmic Homeostasis is an artistic collective that gathers for the purpose of creating large-ensemble improvised drone-based music. Mixing performers with diverse musical backgrounds and experience levels, performances create space to develop improvisatory skills through listening while constructing unique sonic environments. This is not an “open jam”, but newcomers are always welcome: email Joe (mechanicalforestsound@gmail.com) for […]