The Donna Lee Quartet with guest Jasper Stadhouders is an ensemble lead by alto saxophonist Brodie West. The Quartet is comprised of Reg Schwager on guitar, Josh Cole bass, Nick Fraser on drums and Brodie West on alto saxophone and clarinet. For this occasion the band will feature guitarist and electric bassist Jasper Stadhouders who […]
Blue Moss is the duo of David Nardi (guitar and assorted strings), and Connor Bennett (saxophone and flute). Their improvised compositions draw inspiration from folk, drone, jazz, noise, and traditional Celtic idioms. Throughout their respective careers, David and Connor have always been driven to make music from the depths of their hearts. The collaboration of […]
All-Set! Presents features music based around the trio of Mike Smith (electronics), Pete Johnston (bass) and Jake Oelrichs (drums). The music made in this monthly residency is largely improvised in a subtly-propulsive way that mixes jazz, minimalism and progressive rock. A rotating cast of guests drawn from the roster of Smith and Johnston’s recording imprint […]